Thursday, November 10, 2022

Like There's Nothing Going On

I like to feel this ancient, new silence and space
Between me & me
Like there's nothing going on in my life
No quills to perform with
No hijinx to manoeuvre
Just still like getting out of it to the city skyline at night,
Metropolis, the International, the Sly Tower and such.
But there's much more of a darker tinge, even being Spring
Full Blood Moon 22 must be doing it. Like a witches cape, lazily forming and falling over the architecture,
But not like my free (italicised) Balenciaga bottle of sparkling water,
simply handed to me in the shop - 
like I can afford a tiny rhinestone $6,500 Caution-Taped trapezoid bag
I go back to my apartment instead and eat, my tiramisu with a tiny teaspoon so it lasts longer and cry beneath my once pure cotton sheets.

In turn, the IAG building morphs into a sphinx at night, light blazing through trenches of windows like armour. Perched atop a ray of other neon's and straggly structures. Some formed some unformed angles and spears

So now being in the bright East side of the tower, not the sullen West
It seems I may be on the dark side of the Pink Moon


  1. I love the tiny rhinestone Caution Tape bag

  2. Howdy!! Will catch up on all asap but beautiful imagery.. I haven't written poetry in forever!! XooX

  3. Is that a reference to North West Balenciaga Caution Barrier Tape
